Recharged Performance Therapy

Weeks 1-2 Postpartum

Weeks 1-2 Postpartum

Here at Recharged PT, we’ve talked extensively about what to expect prior to getting pregnant as well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. Heck, we’ve even done a deep dive on the fourth trimester. But, sometimes, it can be helpful to get back to basics: what your recovery may look like after you give birth. Having a general timeline for postpartum recovery can be helpful - here are the first two weeks laid out for you.

After Surgery- Post Op

After Surgery- Post Op

Today we are talking about how to care for yourself after you have surgery- this could be anything from a C-Section to a knee replacement. The info contained here isn’t super specific but that doesn’t make it any less important!!

Having surgery and recovering from it can be a very challenging process physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you elect to have it done or the procedure is absolutely vital to your health and well-being, surgery is trauma to your body: it takes a toll.

Birth Control- an overview

Birth Control- an overview

Today we want to talk about birth control (BC). There is a lot of information out there and it can definitely feel overwhelming to pick the type that is right for you, your body and your situation. And that is why we are here to help at Recharged PT! If you’re considering taking (or changing) birth control – commonly known as contraception – there are a variety of options available to you. Each one works a bit differently and comes with its own set of pros and cons. There is no “best” method of birth control.

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

The Skinny on Hormonal Health

Hormones are produced chemically by different glands throughout the body, such as your adrenal glands or sweat glands, to keep you as close to homeostasis as possible. This can include everything from the stress response with cortisol (which we’ve covered before) to hormones that affect digestion, temperature regulation, and mood. The pituitary gland, located deep in the brain, is the “puppet master” that controls the release of how much hormone and when to keep the body functioning. 

Pelvic Health and Pelvic Floor Therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Dr. Sky

Thinking of getting Pregnant?

Thinking of getting Pregnant?

The decision to become pregnant can be an exciting and (maybe slightly) scary time. In a perfect world, everything in your life would line up perfectly when you make the decision to expand your family... but we all know this is easier said than done. Check out our short step list for beginning your fertility journey!

Urge Incontinence

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence occurs when you have a sudden desire to go to the bathroom due a very quick and powerful bladder contraction. This is sometimes followed by the involuntary loss of urine before you can make it to a toilet. Urge incontinence (UI)  is characterized by the need to go often throughout the day – especially at night (nocturia) – with small amounts of urine actually released. “Frequent” means more than 8x during the day and >2 at night. Enuresis (bed wetting) may also occur.

Pelvic Health, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Exercises, Urge Incontinence, Melbourne, FL, Postpartum, Postpartum Rehab, Pee Leakage, Dr. Paige, Dr. Laura, Recharged Performance Therapy

Dribbling After You Pee

Dribbling After You Pee

Overflow Incontinence occurs when your bladder doesn’t completely empty when you go to the bathroom. You may or may feel the urge *to go* with this type of incontinence. But it is very common for only small amounts of urine to be released throughout the day as your bladder refills- which means you go to the bathroom all the time because you aren’t really emptying.

Your Brain and Your Body Need REST

Your Brain and Your Body Need REST

If the brain is in a constant stress-related state, sleep may not actually be restful. Rather, rest is a state of being in the present moment – to stop doing and start just being.

And there’s a lot of evidence for how important this is for us.

Doooowwwnn, Bessy!

Doooowwwnn, Bessy!

Here are 3 AMAZING ways to help your pelvic floor stay relaxed and amazingly strong… and guess what! They have NOTHING to do with Kegels!!

We don’t have to live with a tight pelvic floor. There are some simple, practical habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to help loosen everything up. If these tips don’t feel like enough, going to a pelvic floor physical therapist to evaluate your specific needs might help!

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation, Pelvic Floor PT, Pee Leakage, Urinary Frequency, Incontinence, Dr. Paige, Recharged Performance Therapy, Health, Hormones, women’s health

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 can highly effect things like pee leakage, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, pelvic organ prolapse and more.

This blog breaks down how COVID affects your pelvic floor in both its Mild version and the most severe versions of the virus.

Pelvic Floor Therapy, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pee Leakage, Incontinence, Diastasis Recti, Pain During Intercourse, COVID-19, Life After COVID

Keeping your Feet Happy! (and why it matters to your pelvic floor)

Keeping your Feet Happy! (and why it matters to your pelvic floor)

Plantar Fasciitis, Toe Pain, and Ankle Sprains can lead to pelvic floor issues! Its crazy- we know. Which is why this months blog post centers around your tootsies.

Trust us- your feet, and your pelvic floor will thank you for reading this! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

Pain in the Piriformis

Pain in the Piriformis

The Piriformis comes in: a long, slender muscle about the size of a hotdog buried deep under our gluteus maximus muscle. It runs from the side of the sacrum (near the tailbone) to the femur (the top part of our thigh bone). It is considered part of the “deep six” hip rotators that are responsible for stability at the hip and pelvis, especially when we are moving.
There are two things we need to know about the piriformis: it is a workaholic and a drama queen. And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

The #1 thing to do for your C-Birth Scar

Did you have a C-Birth (C-section)? If you did, or may have one in the future, then you NEED to read this latest installment to our Blog! We go over the easiest ways to help your scar heal and look better too! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.

Cesarean Section

What does your posture look like?

What does your posture look like?

Y’all- posture matters! You would be SHOCKED by how much better women FEEL & look when we get them in a better posture!

Watch this video from Dr. Paige! She goes over what “perfect” posture is and how to get your posture right! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.



In this short blog, we go over what pain is, how it is different for men and women as well as chronic versus acute pain. If you have pain that you have not been able to resolve- contact us today! It is our goal to help each person we meet get out of pain and recharge their lives!