Here at Recharged PT, we’ve talked extensively about what to expect prior to getting pregnant as well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. Heck, we’ve even done a deep dive on the fourth trimester. But, sometimes, it can be helpful to get back to basics: what your recovery may look like after you give birth. Having a general timeline for postpartum recovery can be helpful - here are the first two weeks laid out for you.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Pregnancy Swelling!
We’re here today to talk about maybe one of the most common complaints seen during pregnancy and postpartum: swelling.
Swelling during pregnancy is usually pretty common in the lower extremities and feet. All the extra fluid that your body creates to help support a healthy baby can cause blood circulation to slow – and much of it accumulates in the legs and feet. Especially if you are up on your feet a lot!
Increasing Fertility
So! You’ve decided to take the leap into trying to conceive. As a very exciting (and sometimes nerve wracking!) time, a lot of things may feel overwhelming at first.
Here at Recharged PT, we’ve got all things pregnancy covered.
In the past, we have covered everything from what to expect each trimester to how to safely exercise and eat while pregnant. We have gotten into postpartum care and even the so-called “fourth trimester.” But another important factor to consider in your pregnancy journey is what to do before you get pregnant. Your lifestyle, mood and overall health can have a tremendous effect on your fertility and ability to conceive. And that is what we are here to talk about today. Aside from the mental, emotional, and relational dynamics involved in making this decision, your physical well-being is just as vital!
3rd Trimester Fun!
The final trimester is all about growth and preparation – for you and baby! This can be another physically and emotionally challenging time as you prepare for birth; balance feelings like excitement, fatigue, and worry; and experience physical discomfort as the baby grows. This is also generally the time that you take lactation and birth prep classes.
2nd Trimester
Often dubbed the “honeymoon period,” your second trimester lasts from 13 weeks to 28 weeks. Generally by this point, expecting mamas have settled into their bodies and emotions a bit more. The morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings that made the first trimester so hard often go away for people at this stage… but not for all of our mamas.
A lot of changes continue to occur quickly during this time – both for you and your growing baby. So let’s talk about it.
1st Trimester of Pregnancy
Overall, the first trimester of pregnancy is all about change and your growth: your body and your baby’s. It is also a time of variability in symptoms, emotions, and adjusting to a new stage of life. It is important to be gentle with yourself during this time and do things to keep yourself healthy, happy and whole!
Pregnancy & Exercise
Overall, physical activity is highly encouraged for most pregnant women – particularly if you are low-risk. Everyone can benefit from exercise in some form within certain precautions. The most important part is that it feels good to you.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Melbourne, FL. Pelvic Health Rehab. Pregnancy. Pregnancy and Exercise
Thinking of getting Pregnant?
The decision to become pregnant can be an exciting and (maybe slightly) scary time. In a perfect world, everything in your life would line up perfectly when you make the decision to expand your family... but we all know this is easier said than done. Check out our short step list for beginning your fertility journey!
Best Tools to use in Labor
Hi Everyone! Here are our favorite tools to use to assist with pain and hip movement during labor. The more you can handle the pain & the more movement your hips can do- the better and faster your labor will be!
We carry all of these things with us when we do Birth Support for our Mama’s!!
To find these on Amazon- just click on the photo!
Stress Urinary Incontinence - Pee Leakage
One important thing to *note* here is that a lot of “Dr. Google” resources on SUI is that Kegels (tightening your PF muscles) will help with leakage by making the muscles stronger. But this is usually not the case!! The vast majority of people with pelvic floor dysfunction (and SUI) have have PF muscles that are too tight – NOT too loose. Because muscles need to be a certain length to work optimally, a muscle that is too loose OR too tight can be weak.
Pain with Intercourse
Abdominal Organ Mobilization
Hyperthyroidism & Pregnancy
The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism can feel overwhelming at first. Especially, on top of the anxiety and excitement of the changes your body is experiencing. But the diagnosis does not have to be a death sentence. No matter the cause, those with hyperthyroidism have very good long-term outcomes if treated and managed well. It is important to have a strong therapeutic alliance with both your obstetrician and endocrinologist. And to always advocate for yourself when something feels off!
4th Trimester - part 1
A newly described phase of Pregnancy related care is being called the Fourth Trimester, lasting from birth until approximately 12 weeks postpartum.
This is a critical time for mommas that is often swept aside – there’s too much to do with a new baby, your house, all the family/friends trying to come over, and maybe your spouse… And if we are being honest, there not enough time or energy to do it all.
Superfoods for Your Pelvic Floor
An important subset of the physical component is what we eat: the type of fuel we give our bodies directly affects how we move through the world. Both physically and mentally.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pelvic Floor Rehab, Pelvic Floor Melbourne FL, Dr. Paige, Recharged Performance Therapy, Recharged Pelvic Floor
Mommy Tummy- Diastasis Recti
Diastasis Recti is a condition normally seen at the end of pregnancy and after birth. It is normal until about 12 weeks postpartum. If you are still experiencing a “gap” after 12 weeks, you need to see a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist for Diastasis Recti!
Good News- There is a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist for you here in Melbourne, FL!
Pain in the Piriformis
The Piriformis comes in: a long, slender muscle about the size of a hotdog buried deep under our gluteus maximus muscle. It runs from the side of the sacrum (near the tailbone) to the femur (the top part of our thigh bone). It is considered part of the “deep six” hip rotators that are responsible for stability at the hip and pelvis, especially when we are moving.
There are two things we need to know about the piriformis: it is a workaholic and a drama queen. And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.
What does your posture look like?
Y’all- posture matters! You would be SHOCKED by how much better women FEEL & look when we get them in a better posture!
Watch this video from Dr. Paige! She goes over what “perfect” posture is and how to get your posture right! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.