Download our Free Diastasis Recti E-Book Below!
Diastasis Recti Abdominis
Diastasis Recti is one of the most common complaints during and after pregnancy. This is where the ab muscles in the front of the belly separate and cause a visible gap and doming of the belly. The hormones during pregnancy allow your body to grow to accommodate your kiddo- which can result in those front muscles separating from each other. But did you know that it is a normal part of growing a tiny human? It is also completely treatable! You don’t have to be afraid that you are going to make it worse, living with body shame, or other physical symptoms because of your separation.
In this free download, we will go over:
what Diastasis Recti really is
how to treat it
how to avoid making it worse during pregnancy
how to begin working on it immediately after birth
how to really begin to address any remaining issues 3 months postpartum