
Weeks 1-2 Postpartum

Weeks 1-2 Postpartum

Here at Recharged PT, we’ve talked extensively about what to expect prior to getting pregnant as well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters. Heck, we’ve even done a deep dive on the fourth trimester. But, sometimes, it can be helpful to get back to basics: what your recovery may look like after you give birth. Having a general timeline for postpartum recovery can be helpful - here are the first two weeks laid out for you.

After Surgery- Post Op

After Surgery- Post Op

Today we are talking about how to care for yourself after you have surgery- this could be anything from a C-Section to a knee replacement. The info contained here isn’t super specific but that doesn’t make it any less important!!

Having surgery and recovering from it can be a very challenging process physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether you elect to have it done or the procedure is absolutely vital to your health and well-being, surgery is trauma to your body: it takes a toll.

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 and Pelvic Floor Problems

COVID-19 can highly effect things like pee leakage, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, pelvic organ prolapse and more.

This blog breaks down how COVID affects your pelvic floor in both its Mild version and the most severe versions of the virus.

Pelvic Floor Therapy, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Pee Leakage, Incontinence, Diastasis Recti, Pain During Intercourse, COVID-19, Life After COVID

Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum Recovery

In this blog, Dr. Paige goes over a few tips and tricks to improving recovery after delivery of your baby! You just went through a life changing event and should be cared for- even though most people don’t talk about recovering after birth. Learn how to better care for you so that you can better care for your baby! But more than anything- you need to go see a pelvic floor physical therapist! They will change your life!