
Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

—> Hormones from the placenta block and diminish your body’s ability to use or make insulin. Insulin helps your body maintain the appropriate amount of glucose (blood sugar) in the blood. Weight gain and other factors make pregnant people more naturally insulin resistant – and some develop gestational diabetes as a result.

—> GDM does not develop because you had undiagnosed diabetes prior to pregnancy; it occurs because of the pregnancy. Usually diagnosed between 24 and 28 weeks, GDM can feel like a scary diagnosis.

Fortunately, GDM is a well-understood and well-managed diagnosis. We also have new information that came out in 2024 showing that GDM can be directly related to DAD’S HEALTH as his genetics are what determines the Placenta health.

1st Trimester of Pregnancy

1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Overall, the first trimester of pregnancy is all about change and your growth: your body and your baby’s. It is also a time of variability in symptoms, emotions, and adjusting to a new stage of life. It is important to be gentle with yourself during this time and do things to keep yourself healthy, happy and whole!

Pregnancy & Exercise

Pregnancy & Exercise

Overall, physical activity is highly encouraged for most pregnant women – particularly if you are low-risk. Everyone can benefit from exercise in some form within certain precautions. The most important part is that it feels good to you.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Melbourne, FL. Pelvic Health Rehab. Pregnancy. Pregnancy and Exercise

4th Trimester Part 2!

4th Trimester Part 2!

The 4th trimester also includes your baby’s adjustment into this crazy, colorful world! Dr. Antony Karp is credited with creating the concept of the 4th trimester. He posts that full-term babies are born three months too early relative to other mammals. This is possibly so that the head can fit through the birth canal. But, the flip side is that your baby’s nervous system is not yet fully developed – and has a hard time handling life outside a quiet, safe womb.

What does your posture look like?

What does your posture look like?

Y’all- posture matters! You would be SHOCKED by how much better women FEEL & look when we get them in a better posture!

Watch this video from Dr. Paige! She goes over what “perfect” posture is and how to get your posture right! And schedule an appointment with pelvic floor physical therapy. You will thank us, we swear.