
Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic or Tubal Pregnancy occurs in approximately 1 in 100 pregnancies or about 1% of the time. An ectopic pregnancy is one that occurs outside of the uterus. Most often, this is in one of the two fallopian tubes – although it can also occur in the ovary, cervix, or abdomen.

4th Trimester - part 1

4th Trimester - part 1

A newly described phase of Pregnancy related care is being called the Fourth Trimester, lasting from birth until approximately 12 weeks postpartum.

This is a critical time for mommas that is often swept aside – there’s too much to do with a new baby, your house, all the family/friends trying to come over, and maybe your spouse… And if we are being honest, there not enough time or energy to do it all.

Your Brain and Your Body Need REST

Your Brain and Your Body Need REST

If the brain is in a constant stress-related state, sleep may not actually be restful. Rather, rest is a state of being in the present moment – to stop doing and start just being.

And there’s a lot of evidence for how important this is for us.