Hi everyone!
So today we are talking about two of the largest players in Mental Health Diagnoses, Anxiety and Depression. These are also very important based on the current climate in America!
General Anxiety Disorder affects about 18% of Americans, which is roughly 40 million adults in the US, and Major Depressive Disorder affects more than 16.1 million American adults per year (adaa.org). Y’all! That is a lot of people that are suffering every day with depression or anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America did discuss that less than 40% of those with anxiety are receiving treatment and are 3 to 5x more likely to go to the physician than those who do not suffer from an anxiety disorder. Depression is also the leading cause of disability worldwide.
If those numbers aren’t enough to convince you that mental health is important, just look at your news feed on any social media website.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression
Palpitations or Accelerated Heart Rate
Sensation of Shortness of Breath
Chest Pain
Nausea OR Stomach Pain
Feeling Lightheaded or Dizzy
Fear of Loosing Control
Panic Attacks as related to Anxiety
Generally, 4 of the above Anxiety Symptoms Occur
Can Happen in a Calm or Heightened State of Mind
Can Occur with Known Triggers or “Out of the Blue”
Persistent Sadness, Anxiety or Empty Mood
Feeling Hopeless
Feelings of Guilt, Worthlessness, or Helplessness
Loss of Interest in Previously Pleasurable Activities
Decreased Energy or Fatigue
Difficulty Concentrating or Remembering
Difficulty Making Decisions
Thoughts of Death or Suicide ***
Restlessness and Irritability
Headaches/Stomach Pains/Physical Symptoms that DON’T go away with Normal Treatment
*** If you are experiencing harmful thoughts- GET HELP STRAIGHT AWAY. If you are even having thoughts of “leaving your life behind: or that your family would be better if you weren’t there- Seek help RIGHT NOW. Those are the beginning stages of harmful/ suicidal thought processes.***
It is important to mention that having these symptoms when faced with a stressful or hard situation is NORMAL. It is normal to have symptoms of anxiety and depression when you lose a job or a loved one. It is normal to experience these symptoms with appropriate situations but they should also GO AWAY. Generally, they will, and should, go away in less than 7 days. Some situations are incredibly difficult, and it might last a little longer than that.
You should seek treatment with your physician if your symptoms last longer than 14 days. I like to encourage everyone to consider going to see your physician if you are still experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression after 7 days, but it is not considered abnormal until day 14 according to the AADA.
What You Can Do About It
I am not a licensed mental health professional, but I do see a lot of clients who experience Anxious or Depressive symptoms. It is nearly impossible to treat the body without also treating the mind.
So- I have done some research on ways to treat anxiety and depressive symptoms at home. These are some ideas to help improve your overall mood:
Go for a walk
Exercise does not always have to be extremely strenuous. You can help improve your mood by going on a 10-minute walk.
Some people enjoy running and find it to be very relaxing, but that doesn’t have to be your way of destressing if you don’t enjoy it!
Meditation with Measured Breathing
Calm your mind, empty it of all emotion and racing thoughts.
Then take an 8-second-long breath in through the nose.
Hold it for 2 seconds.
Release the breath for 6 seconds through pursed lips.
Repeat as needed!
Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a very helpful way to organize the situation and how you feel about it.
Talk to Someone
This doesn’t have to be a professional if you aren’t comfortable with it.
Try talking to a friend or spouse. It is okay to let other people know you are struggling with something.
You never know, they might be struggling with it too.
Reading a book or watching a movie
This allows you to “get out of reality” even if it is for a short period.
This can give you a small reprieve from your current situation and emotions. Then when you come back to reality, you might be able to handle the situation in a better manner.
Get a massage
When you are experiencing high emotions, often times your muscles will respond in kind.
Your muscles get tense and can form “muscle knots”. It may be helpful to relax for 30-60 minutes and have someone help with bringing down your muscular and emotional tension!
Last thoughts
I know everyone says this, but I promise it really helps. If you aren’t getting true rest, see your physician about how they can help you achieve a restful night’s sleep. If we need to talk about your diet- there are plenty of dieticians that can help you get the right track. And, as always, I or another fitness professional can help you get your exercise regime on track to help improve your overall mood and how your body feels in general!
If you need me or just need to talk to someone- reach out. I am always here for you!