Recharged Performance Therapy

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Superfoods for Your Pelvic Floor

One of our missions here at Recharged Physical Therapy is to get the word out there about pelvic health! This isn’t just physical health – but mental and emotional too. It all comes together to help our pelvic floor function.

An important subset of the physical component is what we eat: the type of fuel we give our bodies directly affects how we move through the world. Both physically and mentally. A lot of recent studies have shown how the bacteria in our guts is directly related to anxiety and depression – and that is influenced by what the bacteria get to consume. For example, consuming lots of sugar has a strong correlation with increased anxiety. 

But did you know that what you eat can also affect your pelvic floor? A few months back, we talked about how certain foods can irritate your bladder – causing increased urgency and difficulty with pee leakage. 

But that is just the type of the iceberg, my friends…

Did you know that certain foods can have a direct effect on the strength of the muscles in your pelvic floor? You’ve heard me loud and clear about how important a strong pelvic floor is for the efficient functioning of our bodies. We’ve discussed the importance of strengthening and stretching the pelvic floor to help with pain during sex, bladder issues, difficulty with constipation, during/after childbirth and a whole host of other things. 

But diet plays an understated but very important role in our pelvic health. 

So, here are 6 superfoods that you can eat to help strengthen your pelvic floor. 


Not a food per se, but dehydration can lead to constipation – which absolutely stresses the pelvic floor muscles, making them weak from too much work and not enough results. Water also helps flush out toxins and keep our colons working smoothly. 

Greek yogurt

Probiotics are the name of the game for vaginal health. Healthy bacteria help our *lady parts* maintain the ideal balance between being too acidic and alkaline. This helps keep everything fresh and working as it’s supposed to – so that your pelvic floor muscles aren’t doing any more heavy lifting than they need to. 


We’ve heard a lot about the superfood that is the avocado! Packed with fiber, avocados help with voiding. They also contain C, E, K and B6 – which are all needed to help the PF muscles work properly. 

Foods High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Think salmon, anchovies, and even flax/chia seeds. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for brain health, but also help decrease inflammation in the pelvic floor (and elsewhere). Inflammation = irritation when it comes to the pelvic floor muscles – and can have a significant effect on how they function. Omega-3 fatty acids also work to “cancel out” other foods that may increase that inflammation. 

Low-Acid Fruits and Veggies

Remember how the vagina likes a well-balanced pH? Well eating fruits and veggies that are too acidic will easily upset that balance (e.g., limes, pineapples, grapes, cabbage, pumpkin). Low acid fruits and veggies like bananas, apples, carrots and peas will help you avoid that irritation/inflammation. 

Foods High in Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium to help build strong bones and muscles. It is also important for immune support. Eating foods like eggs, cheese, milk and salmon will make you PF muscles very happy!

So… overall, eat things that make your pelvic floor happy! And the rest of your body too!

<3 The Recharged Performance Therapy Team

(321) 802-1630
